Since the DDP OS V3.00.018-b8 version, you are now able to rename the drive groups of your DDP by editing the following file:

All you need to do is to connect to the DDP via ssh and then edit that file with you preferred text editor.
If the file doesn’t already exist, you can create it by entering the following:

$ touch /etc/ddpvolumegroupnames

Then you can edit it using for example nano with the following command:

$ nano /etc/ddpvolumegroupnames

This file is describing what should be the name for each drive group, hence there is one line per drive group.
You can simply rename each drive group using characters from a-z and 0-9.

This is particularly useful in a mixed configuration when you need to know which drive group contains the SSD and HDD raid sets.
If you’ve got your first drive group composed of SSD and the second one composed of HDD, your ddpvolumegroupnames file would look like below:

Once you modified the drive groups names, please reboot the DDP so that the changes can be applied.