Updates for DDP OS are released on a regular basis for adding new features, improving general stability and fixing bugs.
Keeping your DDP up to date is highly recommended as this is one of the first thing our team is going to ask when doing troubleshooting.

Also, it is a great help for premium resellers to have their DDP up to date as they will be able to test all new features and follow bugs resolution.
Therefore as soon as an update is available DDP resellers shall apply it on their demo DDP before updating any other machine.

When a DDP OS update is available, it will be uploaded to our reseller page so please check it out once in a while:


It is required that all clients are disconnected from the DDP before starting the update.

Then you can just go to the installer page in the DDP Web GUI and after browsing to your local update file, click on the “Submit” button as shown below:

As a final step you only need to reboot the DDP by going to the shutdown page.

It is also recommended that you clear the cache of your clients web browser as some graphical changes might not be visible otherwise.

For redundant configurations:

It is best practice to make the DDP OS update independently on the DDP heads, when only one DDP head is powered on at the same time.
DDP heads which are not running the same DDP OS version may encounter difficulties to communicate each other and start causing problems with the failover mechanism.

This is the reason why when updating the DDP OS of one DDP head, it is highly recommended to make sure that the other one is completely powered off.

After uploading the latest DDP OS to the master head and rebooting it, you can check whether the update has completed properly and if all volumes can be mounted without problem.
Then you can switch off the master head and follow the same procedure for the remaining head.

Once all heads are updated to the same DDP OS version, you can put them both online so that the failover system can be triggered in case of problem.